With over fifteen years of experience and a thorough, well-grounded understanding of microcurrent technology, we’ve developed a uniquely effective facial toning protocol that employs state-of-the-art equipment. But The Natural Lift is about more than this. We’ve also created a warm, welcoming and soothing environment to make the experience complete.
The Natural Lift achieves lasting results through the use of microcurrent, a safe and painless approach for stimulating and lifting the muscles in your face and neck. You can think of it as going to the gym for your face—minus the sweat and effort. The result is a toned, fresh and more youthful appearance right from the start.
We offer a non-invasive, subtle way to lift your face and your confidence. After just one session you’ll be ready to show a smoother, brighter face to the world. No downtime. No recovery. No expensive, aggressive cosmetic procedures. Just an enjoyable, natural facial with visible and lasting results.
Quick facts about our microcurrent facials:
Microcurrent has been used in the medical profession for the last 30 years. We have been in practice as beauty therapists since 2003, with great success. We have a loyal clientele, evidenced by our many referrals and testimonials from satisfied clients.
We use state-of-the-art equipment and all of our devices are FDA approved.
Whatever age you start the facial toning process—at 50, 60, 70, or even at 20, 30, or 80—visible improvements are immediately apparent. At a more advanced age, you see an even more distinct lift: your eyebrow arch will be higher, your jawline and neck more contoured, and fine lines will be minimized. With continued treatment, our clients look ten years younger than their actual age.
At a younger age, our treatments leave you looking refreshed and "plumped." In fact, it's great to start facial toning at an early age—where aging of the face is concerned, it's easier to prevent than to cure.
We offer a special price for your first treatment (see our Introductory Offer). This gives you the opportunity to experience The Natural Lift results and decide if this is the right approach for you. During your first session, we'll first perform the treatment on one side of your face; then you can look in the mirror to see the difference; finally, we'll finish by doing the other side of your face. We don't want you to walk out the door lopsided! We'l also take photos before, during and after the treatment for an objective view. You may be surprised by how much can be accomplished in just the first session.
Microcurrent facial toning is an inside-out approach. The current stimulates the production of ATP, an intracellular fluid that helps our muscles stay toned, our skin supple and our bones strong. Dynamic ATP production helps keep us young, healthy and strong.
Exercise and good nutrition all contribute to the facial rejuvenation process, as does a supportive skin care routine.
At The Natural Lift, we use products high in active ingredients. These products penetrate deep into the dermis to enhance the facial toning treatments.